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Tips to keep you sane and stress-free this holiday season

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When you think of the holidays, you may think of family, festivities, and fun. However, it can also be filled with a never-ending list of errands, an overflowing calendar of events, and budding family tensions. So, how can you keep sane and stress-free this holiday season? Just remember the 5 P’s of Christmas.

Preserve your peace

Once November arrives, it can seem like a sprint to the end of the holiday finish line. Schedules begin filling up with holiday parties and festive events. Give yourself permission to say no. Setting boundaries is a good way to preserve your peace. Be clear with family members about your ability (or desire) to spend the holidays together. It’s okay to prioritize your needs over others. Even if you have “always done it that way,” empower yourself to change things up this year in order to protect your happiness. Finally, delegate necessary tasks that only add to your stress. If hosting events make you feel frantic, let someone else do it this year. Not a fan of holiday potlucks? Give yourself permission to buy your dish, rather than make it from scratch.

Plan ahead

Pushing things to the last minute is a sure way to heighten your stress level. This can apply to gift shopping, meal planning, and travel coordinating. To minimize stress, put your plans down on paper. Write out the list of gifts for each person. For you online shoppers, check the delivery times to ensure gifts arrive on time. Avoid frequent trips to the grocery store by planning your dinner recipes in advance and getting the ingredients in one trip.  If you feel like your time is limited, cut out things that are not a priority.

Patience with others

The holidays are the perfect time to bond with family you may not see often. However, emotions can ride high with more people around. When family conflict arises, be patient with your loved ones. It can be difficult to balance the expectations that each person has. If you sense that things are getting tense, change the subject or choose to let the small things go. Come to family events with a sense of realism. If you know your crazy uncle always has a joke that gets under your skin, don’t expect things to change. Rather, focus on what you love at him.

Be Present

Amongst the busyness of last-minute errands and over-flowing schedules, it is easy for your mind and body to be in two different places. To minimize stress, allow yourself to be present in the moment during holiday festivities. You can do this by putting away your phone and other distractions when with family. Also, try to focus on one task at a time rather than multitasking. Add enjoyment to your required tasks of cooking and gift wrapping by making it a team effort with the children in family. Finally, don’t take on more than you can handle. If your plate is full of things to do, politely say no to taking on anything else.

Prevent setting sky high expectations

Give yourself a little grace. Expect things to go off course. Let go of rigid expectations that you place on yourself. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to spend the holidays. Do what feels right to you. If your partner or kids have different goals for this season, take turns doing what each person wants to do. Most importantly, never compare yourself to anyone else.

Use these tips to skip the stress and soak in each moment. Happy holidays!

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Hey, Im Dr. White

I’m a board-certified OB/GYN, women’s health expert, and wellness advocate.


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Cradle & All

Sisters Christine Baines and Renita White experienced pregnancy together (twice!) and are here to talk about the real deal of balancing motherhood, relationships, and wellness while raising little ones.