Walking down your local pharmacy aisle, there are tons of different products marketed to enhance a woman’s “freshness.” But, is this really necessary? As a gynecologist, one of the most common complaints I see in my office is vaginal itching or odor. Use of these over-the-counter products can actually worsen bothersome vaginal symptoms rather than help. So, what’s a girl to do?
Feminine hygiene has typically been a taboo or shameful topic in our culture. Even the use of the term “feminine hygiene” has been used to avoid the actual terminology of female anatomy. For as long as we could remember, women were expected to handle things like menstrual cycles and vaginal problems in the privacy of their own bathrooms. However, it’s a new dawn, and women feel more empowered to take ownership of their bodies. Even still, it can be confusing to see the various types of products marketed to improve a women’s freshness. But, who said we aren’t already fresh?
The vagina and vulva are designed to clean themselves. It does that with vaginal discharge. So, what is considered normal discharge? A woman’s discharge is typically clear or a whitish milky color. It may change at different times of the month, depending on where you are in your cycle. Around the time of ovulation, it is thin and sticky, like egg-white. After ovulation, it tends to be creamy, similar to lotion. Soon after your menstrual cycle, there is the least amount of discharge. Abnormal discharge is typically increased in amount, yellow or green, and possibly associated with itching, burning, irritation, or a foul odor.
So, how do you clean down there? All you need is water and your hands. The excess soap that you use on your body can be used to clean the hair-bearing areas of the vulva. But avoid any soap getting inside of the vagina. The vaginal tissue is very sensitive and can be easily irritated. This can also lead to vaginitis, which is the development of yeast or bacteria overgrowth.
What about washes marketed for vaginal cleanliness? When in doubt, just say no. Often times, those kinds of soaps are too harsh for the sensitive skin of the vagina, and can just make irritation and bothersome vaginal symptoms worse. When picking a bodywash, keep it boring. Avoid scented or exfoliating soaps. Instead, stick to mild, gentle cleansers. Examples of these are Dove, Cetaphil, or Aveeno.
So, what’s the best way to take care of your lady parts? Avoid douching and unnecessary feminine cleaners, use unscented tampons/pads, stick to mild soaps and body washes, and wear loose, cotton underwear.